Friday, January 28, 2011

Month of Service/Pound Party

Hey All!

Here's the tentative itinerary for the Pound Party tonight. Attached is a fact sheet about domestic violence, which we will be going over at the Kick Off.

Month of Service Kick-Off/Pound Party Itinerary

6:00-7:00: Set up in Erickson Kiva

7:00-7:10: Welcome/Filing in

7:15-7:40: Who we are donating to - We are donating to EVE
& The woman from EVE said she would come and talk for 10ish minutes!!!!!

Month of Service Explanation

Issue Education briefing on Hunger/Homelessness

8:30: Costume Contest/Announcing Group with the most food

8:40-9:00: Sending Kevin off/thanking him. Logistics, Adopt a Breaker, Payments

Keith Bouck
Alternative Spring Break
Site Leader Coordinator 2010-2011
PH: (517) 355-3326

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not."

-- Dr. Suess

Site Leader Meeting Survey

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Good Afternoon Active Citizens!

We are excited to see all your glowing smiles at tonight's Site Leader Meeting. Remember to bring your COMPLETED Co-Site Leader Agreement for admission to the meeting!!

Same room, same time!

See ya tonight,


Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Good Afternoon Folks,

Tonight's Site Leader Meeting will again be in Room 300 of Human Ecology at 9:00 PM. Please make sure you bring your Site Leader handbooks as we will be using them during the meeting! Also, site with your co-site leader at the beginning of the meeting!!

ASB Reminders:

* Please make sure you've made 75% of your total trip cost (it was due last Friday)
* Remember that the Month of Service Kick Off: Pound Party is January 28 from 7:00-9:00 PM in the Erickson Kiva
o Bring a pound of non-perishable food items to be donated to a local food bank!
o Dress up like an active citizen!
+ Get creative!!
* FINAL Payment is due February 4th (100% of total trip cost!)
* February --- Month of Service
o We all will working with agencies in the Lansing area similar to the non-profits we partner with during ASB
o This is to get everyone ready for ASB service in their specific social issue!!
* ASB from March 5th to the 12th (Departure and arrival times will be different for each group!)

Keith Bouck
Alternative Spring Break
Site Leader Coordinator 2010-2011
PH: (517) 355-3326

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not."

-- Dr. Suess